What are the qualities of well written code? In the book Clean Code, authors argue, clean code should:
Clean code should read like well written prose—Grady Booch
We spend a disproportionate amount of time reading code than writing it.
Therefore, making it easier to read would make it easier to write. A virtuous cycle of prosperity.
Taking it a step further we can incorporate guardrails to avoid anti-patterns and guide developers when making changes.
To illustrate this, let's look at a refactor I worked on recently of a feature flag control setup. Feature flag allows developers to control the release of a feature through configuration setting and avoids the need for code changes or deployments.
The product has a feature control/flighting setup that can:
The refactor focused on following things:
Starting off with meaningful variable names and separation of concerns, first step towards writing self-documenting code.
export type FeatureName = "payments" | "reports"; // ...other features
// List of surfaces and their grouping
export type SmallScreenSurfaces = "ios" | "android" | "mobileWeb";
export type LargeScreenSurfaces = "tablet" | "desktop" | "desktopWeb";
// grouping mobile surfaces
export type SmallScreenGrouping = "smallScreen";
// grouping desktop surfaces
export type LargeScreenGrouping = "largeScreen";
Bulk of the logic resides in the function that checks if a feature is enabled or not. Given a feature, we identify the host environment (iOS, Android) and pick out the rollout status.
import { FEATURE_FLAG_DEFINITION } from "./flightDefinition";
import { environment } from "./environment";
import type { FeatureName } from "./FeatureName";
export const isFeatureEnabled = (feature: FeatureName) => {
const featureControl = FEATURE_FLAG_DEFINITION[feature];
if (featureControl === undefined) {
return false;
const host = environment.getHost();
// Running on Android
if (host == "android" && "android" in featureControl) {
return featureControl.android;
// ...similar checks for other surfaces
// shorthand for small screen devices
if (
"smallScreen" in featureControl &&
(host === "android" || host === "ios" || host === "mobileWeb")
) {
return featureControl.smallScreen;
// similar shorthand for large screen devices...
// return default value if no surface specific rollout is defined
return featureControl.default;
Let's look at the FEATURE_FLAG_DEFINITION in detail.
import type { FeatureControl } from "./FeatureControl";
type FeatureFlagDefinition = Record<FeatureName, FeatureControl>;
export const FEATURE_FLAG_DEFINITION: FeatureFlagDefinition = {
payments: {
default: true,
ios: false,
android: false,
desktop: true,
reports: {
default: false,
mobile: false,
desktop: true,
Defining the FeatureControl type that links a feature and its rollout on a surface
import type {
} from "./Surfaces";
type FeatureControlSmallScreen = {
[key in SmallScreenSurfaces | SmallScreenGrouping]?: boolean;
type FeatureControlLargeScreen = {
[key in LargeScreenSurfaces | LargeScreenGrouping]?: boolean;
export type FeatureControl = {
default: boolean;
} & FeatureControlLargeScreen &
It's starting to come together. We have straight forward control flow and basic type safety.
Last step would be to add guardrails preventing stale/bad configuration.
The control config should meet the following criteria:
{ default: true }
is defined, it should be the opposite of the default rollout.
// correct
{ default: true, android: false, ios: false }
// incorrect
default: true,
android: true, // redundant as it is already defined in default
ios: false
surface(android) within that group should be opposite of the group rollout.
// correct
{ default: true, smallScreen: false, ios: true }
// incorrect
default: true,
smallScreen: false,
ios: false // redundant as it is already defined in smallScreen
Since this check is static, we can simply use TypeScript generics to implement it.
// NOT utility type
type Not<T extends boolean> = T extends true ? false : true;
type FeatureControl = FeatureControlBase<true> | FeatureControlBase<false>;
// given a default rollout, ensure the surface specific rollout is opposite
type FeatureControlBase<T extends boolean> = {
default: T;
} & (
| FeatureControlLargeScreen<Not<T>>
| FeatureControlLargeScreenGroupOverride<Not<T>>
) &
| FeatureControlSmallScreen<Not<T>>
| FeatureControlSmallScreenGroupOverride<Not<T>>
type FeatureControlLargeScreen<T extends boolean> = {
[key in LargeScreenSurfaces]?: T;
type FeatureControlSmallScreen<T extends boolean> = {
[key in SmallScreenSurfaces]?: T;
// group rollout and overrides in the group to have different values
type FeatureControlLargeScreenGroupOverride<T extends boolean> = {
[key in LargeScreenGrouping]: T;
} & FeatureControlLargeScreen<Not<T>>;
type FeatureControlSmallScreenGroupOverride<T extends boolean> = {
[key in SmallScreenGrouping]: T;
} & FeatureControlSmallScreen<Not<T>>;